And the right-hand side...
MTU #48 - the one third from the end of the middle row - is one of my favourite comicbooks from childhood. It's the first part of a four-parter and a really classic tale with a creepy ending. I missed the next part - ah, the unreliable '70s - and it was years before I found out how Spidey got out of the scrape he was in at the end of that issue. Anyone interested in dipping into '70s comics could do much worse than to start here.
Mate got to love the displays and the innovation to put them together!
ReplyDeleteNot long now and I will finally get my collection up and on display?
Keep it up mate, your making me sick with jealousy!!!!!!!!!
Oh, I don't want to make you ill! Go take some aspirin and go to bed immediately. By the time you get up tomorrow morning, I'll have taken everything down. :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. And to think, I'd called the joiner to put up some more of the tailor-made shelves for me. Major bummer.
Oh, and I am keen to see your own display!